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knowledge digitally

In our webinars, we regularly encourage knowledge sharing and invite experts from the fields of digital mentoring, corporate social responsibility, diversity, equity & inclusion, and HR to have conversations with us and the audience. In addition, in short webcasts, we keep you up to date on our product innovations and best practices in the field of digital mentoring.


You can access our recorded webinars here at any time and watch them at your own pace.
Webinar image showing Alexander Gallas, Matthias Wolf, Elisa Pellegrino and Suska Dreesbach.
In this webinar, Deutsche Bank, Capgemini, Kiron and Volunteer Vision share their experiences on digital mentoring for refugees and highlight what companies can do to provide tangible support.
Webinar image showing Lynn Houmdi and Myriam Bendiab.
In this webinar, together with Lynn Houmdi from Making Work Work / The Challenges Group, we discuss what leads women to taking longer career breaks and what needs to be done to attract, develop and retain them as employees.
Webinar image showing founder Dr. Suska-Dreesbach.
In this webinar, you will learn how we are partnering with BASF to use digital mentoring to offer support to students in the Ludwigshafen region in Germany to counteract the effects of COVID19-related school closures.
Webinar showing the webinar together with UBS Switzerland.
Learn how UBS leverages it’s volunteering activities as a central part of their community engagement strategy and how they positively influence employees, beneficiaries and society.
Webinar image showing founder Julia Winkler.
In this webinar, we talk about the challenges corporate volunteering professionals are facing during the COVID19-pandemic: How can social engagement continue effectively in times of isolation and accelerated digitization?
Webinar image showing Volunteer Visions former Head of Sales Sylvia Wurm-Werner.
In this webinar, you will learn how digital mentoring can be used effectively for career empowerment of employees and job seekers with physical disabilities.
Webinar showing participants from Volunteer Vision and Fujitsu.
This webinar shows how online mentoring can support and grow DE&I structures within organizations and empower diverse talents, while creating lasting and meaningful mentoring relationships.
Webinar image showing a mockup screen with a screenshot of our digital classroom.
In this webinar, we reflect on the challenges NGOs face in the wake of the COVID19-pandemic and the very practical assistance Volunteer Vision can provide.
Webinar image showing W. Brad Johnson, Professor of Psychology, and David Smith, DE&I book author.
In this webinar, we discuss with W. Brad Johnson, Professor of Psychology, and David Smith, DE&I book author, what new demands are being placed on DE&I professionals by the COVID19-pandemic and remote work.


Watch the demo video to get an insight into the key features of our mentoring platform.
Volunteer Vision logo.
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