The program was facilitated by Allianz and Impact Hub Munich. In total, 10 social ventures from Brazil, Germany, Malaysia and Turkey were participating in the program. All participants received an extensive business coaching as well as room to learn from each other. At the end of the program, all participants had the chance to pitch in front of a jury for the Allianz Future Generations Award (40.000 €). Volunteer Vision was happy to second-placed and congratulates the winner: the Picha Project - a social enterprise based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which empowers refugee families in the country through a sustainable food catering and delivery business.
“I loved to represent Volunteer Vision at the Investment Readyness Program, not only because of all the input and insights we gained, but especially because we were given the chance to pitch our impact story and vision on such a big stage in front of so many like-minded people!”, said our Co-Founder Julia Winkler.
Read more here. And watch our pitch at the grand finale: